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Serious Solutions.
Delivered to you by the only Broadliner that calls Kansas City home.
KCRF isn't the only thing Liberty Fruit and Scavuzzo's have teamed up on.
Liberty Fruit's expertly cared for produce also hitches rides on Scavuzzo's trucks all over Kansas City and beyond. It's really kind of an All-Pro move to let the produce experts manage atmospheres, temps, markets and pricing of produce, while Scavuzzo's delivers the meat and potatoes (and napkins, and straws and cleaning supplies and ingredients....)
Thank you Scavuzzo's and Liberty Fruit for taking the time to create an event that celebrates the Local Restaurant Industry.

Warrior Sponsors
A handful of Scavuzzo's Best-of-the-Best partners jumped at the chance when asked if they would sponsor a Warrior Winner at KCRF. We are excited and thankful!

Local Sponsors
A handful of Scavuzzo's Best-of-the-Best partners jumped at the chance when asked if they would sponsor a Warrior Winner at KCRF. We are excited and thankful!
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